Tuesday, August 27, 2013

North Alabama Chiefs of Police Association/Public Safety Institute MPO Program

North Alabama Chiefs of Police Association/Public Safety Institute


Senior/Master Officer Program

PROGRAM DESIGN: The greatest asset within our law enforcement agencies are the employees. The goal of this joint venture between the North Alabama Chiefs of Police Association and the North Alabama Public Safety Institute is to create a Career Development Program designed for law enforcement professionals to continually improve their skills, knowledge, and abilities. This program is designed to help employees grow professionally, with a minimal amount of time away from the job.  Courses will be offered in Florence at the University of North Alabama (UNA) and in Madison (Madison Police Department) on a regular rotation, and exporting courses to other areas of Alabama will be considered upon request.

RESPONSIBILITY: Career development will be on-going and documented by each department individually, and by the University of North Alabama Public Safety Training Institute, on behalf of the North Alabama Chiefs of Police Association. 


Below are the following steps and requirements:


(a) Two years continuous experience as a sworn law enforcement officer with the law enforcement agency.

(b) Satisfactory performance evaluations.

(c) Recommendation by immediate supervisor.

(d) Review of disciplinary action.

(e) Completion of Field Training Officer Course.

(f) Completion of a minimum of FIVE (5) of the following advanced/specialized training (8 hour) courses, or equivalent,  that has been identified as applicable to the needs of their agency.

(1) Report Writing.

(2) Advanced Traffic Accident Investigation.

(3) Case Preparation & Court Presentation.

(4) Criminal law.

(5) Crisis Intervention.

(6) Domestic Intervention.

(7) Injury & Death Investigation.

(8) Interviews & Interrogations.

(9) Laser/Radar Speed Measurement.

(10) Narcotics ID & Investigations.

11) Stress Awareness & Resolution.

(12) Instructor Techniques.

(13) Search & Seizure.

(14) Incident Response to Terrorist Bombing.

(15) Community Oriented Police Officers Course.

(16) Other Departmental approved course.

(g) Associates Degree or higher in Criminal Justice could apply towards the training requirements of Senior Police Officer, provided that applicant has completed " a" through " e" above.


(a) Five years continuous experience as a sworn law enforcement officer with the law enforcement agency, designation as a Senior Police Officer as described above.

(b) Satisfactory performance evaluations.

(c) Recommendation of immediate supervisor.

(d) Review of disciplinary action.

(e) Completion of line Supervision Course or equivalent.

(f) Completion of FIVE (5) of the following advanced/specialized training (8 hour) courses or equivalent:

(1) Building & Maintaining Sound Behavioral Climate.

(2) Developing & Maintaining a Sound Organization.

(3) Middle Management.

(4) They Promoted Me, Now What?

(5) Leadership, Mind and Heart

(6) Courage and Moral Leadership

(7) Traits, Behaviors and Relationships

(8) What it Means to be a Leader

(9) How Did You Manage That?

(10) Creating Followership

(11) Motivation and Empowerment

(12) Creating Vision and Strategic Direction

(13) The Leader as an Individual

(14) Recruiting, Selection, Retention and Employee Relations

(15) Other Departmental approved course.

Additional in-service training will address career specialty training. Special assignment openings or proposed openings are to be based on skills, knowledge, and abilities required for the specialized assignment.

Employees may pursue higher education. Law Enforcement Agencies in the North Alabama area  encourages all sworn personnel to pursue a degree in a law enforcement or a specific related field. Other education, such as seminars, state certified training courses, etc. may be attended with the approval of the Sheriff/Director/Chief of Police or CEO of the agency, and applied toward these certifications.

 Upon successful completion of the above requirements, officers will be awarded a certification (Certificate and Service Ribbon)  from the North Alabama Chiefs of Police Association and the University of North Alabama Public Safety Institute.

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