Sunday, February 8, 2015

Harrisonburg Va Police Department Career Developement Program

Career Development Program
The Career Development Program (CDP) is a program that is based on voluntary
participation and is limited to full-time non-supervisory officers (POII, Investigator,
Master Police Officer, Career Police Officer) of the Harrisonburg Police Department. At
its core, the CDP provides a career track for officers who wish to contribute to the
department beyond the minimum requirements of their positions, and provides
incentives and recognition for those officers who choose to participate. Officers can
earn CDP points by accruing certifications and participating in community activities.
There are four established levels, or tiers, to the CDP allowing officers to achieve up to
20% above their annual salary.


CDP Tiers

Tier 1
5 Years of Service
8 CDP Points
5% Pay Increase

Tier 2
9 Years of Service
14 CDP Points
5% Pay Increase

Tier 3
13 Years of Service
20 CDP Points
5% Pay Increase

Tier 4
17 Years of Service
22 CDP Points & Bac. Degree
5% Pay Increase

Program Goals
The primary goals of the CDP are to provide non-supervisory officers an avenue to
continuously build upon their career, motivate employees to achieve and maintain
specialties and proficiencies, maintain a high level of employee retention, and recognize
and reward employees’ achievements and contributions to the goals of the Harrisonburg
Police Department. Specifically, the CDP recognizes several factors:
• Longevity at the Harrisonburg Police Department
• Exceeding expectations in annual performance evaluations and maintaining
status of “Good Standing”
• Police Training and involvement in specialties
• Educational achievements
• Contributions to geographical policing

Non-Supervisory Officer Ranking

Police Officer I
Police Officer recruit (academy and field training)

Police Officer II
Released for solo patrol

Master Police Officer *
Non-supervisory officer with 5-16 years of experience

Career Police Officer *
Non-supervisory officer with 17 or more years of experience
*Requires enrollment in the Career Development Program
2014 Salary

Ranking              Salary

Police Officer I  $36,504

Police Officer II $38,688

Master Police Officer * Up to 20% above your current salary

*Requires a minimum of 5 years of HPD service. Refer to Career Development Plan for details.
Certified Virginia Police Officers
Officers currently certified by the Department of Criminal Justice Services will receive a
competitive salary based on experience. Salary percentage rate is POII salary plus:


1-5 Years: 3%
5.1-10 Years: 6%
10.1-15 Years: 9%
15.1-20 Years: 11%

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