Saturday, July 13, 2013



Master Patrol Officer Program is designed recognize the expertise of experienced patrol officers and ensure the availability of professional field training officers who can provide effective coaching, mentoring, instruction, and guidance to probationary and other officers newly to the Police Service Districts. Master Patrol Officers, due to serving in a specialized assignment, receive additional compensation. The purpose of this General Order to establish the selection requirements and procedural guidelines, including organizational responsibilities, for the operation of the Mater Patrol Officer Program.

The policy of the Metropolitan Police Department is to maintain a Master Patrol Officer Program within the seven (7) police districts. Master Patrol Officers are expected to demonstrate exceptional job knowledge, bearing, dress, courtesy, and emotional control; cultural and community sensitivity; and a willingness to accept responsibility for their own actions and the actions of those officers under their guidance. Master Patrol Officers are designated by the Chief of Police as the primary Field Training Officers and, as such, shall be experts in their knowledge of patrol policies and practices. Given their experience, knowledge, professionalism, competence, and reputation among their peers, Master Patrol Officers are also capable of serving as acting supervisors when civil service sergeants are not available. Master Patrol Officers (MPOs) shall serve as the primary Field Training Officers (FTOs) in the Police Service Districts.GO-PER-201.27 (The Master Patrol Officer Program),

MPOs may be called upon to serve as adjunct instructors for the initial (entry-level and lateral transfer police officer) and annual professional development training programs. To apply for, and be appointed to, the position of MPO, members must meet the following qualifications: (CALEA 33.4.3b)1.10.11.Have three (3) years of continuous service with the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) as of the qualifying date of the selection process; Be assigned as a patrol officer to one (1) of the seven (7) Police Districts, or be willing to be assigned as such, if selected as an MP0;lf presently assigned to a position for which additional compensation is authorized, recognize that they will be removed from that position upon selection as an MP0; Have received a sustained most recent annual performance rating of Exceeds Expectations or Significantly Exceeds Expectations; Have current annual professional development training and firearms certification from the Maurice T. Turner, Jr., Metropolitan Police Academy; Have established an acceptable driving record that includes no more than one (1) preventable accident, as determined by the Crash Review Board, within the one (1) year period preceding the qualifying date of the selection process; Have the Optional Sick Leave Privilege in effect within the one (1) year period preceding the qualifying date of the selection process; Have been eligible to participate in the Expected Tardiness Program within the one (1) year period preceding the qualifying date of the selection process; Have not received more than one (1) PD Form 90 (Notification of Tardiness) within the one (1) year period preceding the qualifying date of the selection process; Have not have received any sustained adverse action for a citizen complaint within the three (3) years preceding the qualifying date; Have not received an official reprimand or adverse action for using unnecessary and wanton force; a violation of an MPD equal employment opportunity (EEO) policy, the DC. Human Rights Act, or an equivalent federal law or regulation; willingly and knowingly making an untruthful statement; falsification of an official record or report; misuse of one's official position or unlawful coercion of an employee for personal gain or benefit; or failing to complete a mandated SSP Intervention Plan as required by MPD SOP, Personnel Performance Management System (PPMS) and the Supervisory Support Program(SSP) within the three (3) year period preceding the qualifying date of the selection process;

12. Have not received sustained adverse action, for conduct other than the conduct established in Part lll.C.11 above, resulting in a fine, a reduction in rank or pay, or a suspension of more than ten (10) days in the eighteen (18) months preceding the qualifying date;

13. Have not been demoted from a civil service rank, or removed from an MP0 assignment for disciplinary reason(s) during the three (3) year period preceding the qualifying date of the selection process; and

14. As needed, be willing to adjust tours of duty to provide FTO support. Additional eligibility criteria may be established in the MPD Circular announcing a Master Patrol Officer Selection Process. MPOs shall be assigned to the Police Service Districts and work in a Police Service Area (PSA), Members serving in the position of MPO shall receive additional compensation. (CALEA 22.1 .1 b, g) MPOs may be involuntarily removed from the program through the adverse action process described in General Order 120.21 (Disciplinary Procedures and Processes). Assignment as a Master Patrol Officer is not automatically transferable. Members who request transfer to another organizational element may be required to forfeit their MPO position and any benefits associated with that position. Members may be voluntarily removed from the Master Patrol Officer Program at their request. Unless otherwise authorized by the Chief of Police, the Master Patrol Officer Register of Eligible Candidates shall remain in effect for two (2) years from the date the Register is established. PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES Members wishing to apply for an MP0 position shall: (CALEA 16.2.2)1 . Submit an Application for Master Patrol Officer Selection Process (PD Form 412A) and any other document required by the MPD Circular announcing the Master Patrol Officer Selection Process;

Participate in the Master Patrol Officer Selection Process as announced by the Chief of Police in the MPD Circular; Meet the eligibility criteria established in Part lll.

C. above in order to be selected from the Register of Eligible Candidates to serve as an MP0.

a. If, after the Register is established, an adverse action is proposed against a member, the offer of an MP0 position maybe held in abeyance pending a final disposition of the proposed action.

b. Upon resolution of the proposed adverse action, the member may be offered the next available MPO position, provided that the member's ability to perform as an MP0 has not been undermined.

B. The responsibilities of MPOs include, but are not limited to:1.10.11. Acting as the primary FTOs for probationary officers and officers newly assigned to the Police Service Districts; Providing training to, or monitoring the performance of, officers who have been identified as requiring a performance intervention plan. Serving as an Acting Sergeant in the absence of a civil service sergeant on only a limited, "as needed" basis. While serving in this capacity, the MPO shall be given the authority and responsibility commensurate with this position. (CALEA 11.3.1a)Supervising crime scenes in the absence of an official; Establishing a command post at major crimes scenes until relieved by an official; Attending all training classes conducted for MP0s and FTOs; (CALEA33.1.2)Being CDU (Civil Disturbance Unit) trained; Ensuring that all MPD-mandated training is up to date; Being certified as Roadside Breathalyzer Testing operators; Being trained in the use of radar equipment; and When on duty, and in uniform, wearing an insignia of such color and design as approved by the Uniform and Equipment Board.

C. Commanding Officials shall ensure that:

Members of their command are advised of the announcement of any Master Patrol Officer Selection Process; andMP0 applications are properly reviewed, certified, and submitted in a timely manner.

D. The Commanding Official/Director, Metropolitan Training Academy shall:

1. Implement a pre-assignment training program for MP0s; and

2. Implement an annual MPO development program and any additional training as necessary.  The Commanding Official/Director, Office of Human Resource Management, shall ensure that a Register of Eligible Candidates is established and is comprised of all members who successfully complete all phases of the MPO Selection Process.

The Register shall be structured in descending order in accordance with the results of the Master Patrol Officer Selection Process. The Register shall contain the final ranking, name, and current assignment of the members. The final position on the Register for members earning the same final score shall be determined in a manner consistent with the current related Collective Bargaining Agreement.

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